Psychological Services and Multicultural Centre



Hughes-Reed's Primary mission is to provide services that address the psychological and mental health needs of children, adults and families from both mainstream groups and multicultural communities, who have been historically under-represented in gaining access to mental health services.

Multicultural therapies focus on the client culture group: world view, values, opinions, attitudes, customs, beliefs etc. A cultural competent therapist will always ask themselves when working with a client, how does my abilities (or lack of), aspirations, expectations, knowledge and world view, limit or influence my relationship with a client from a different culture. Also, understanding cultural non- verbal behaviours (e.g. eye contact, posture, hand movements etc.) can be advantage in therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, a multicultural approaches and cultural competence, helps the therapist to develop empathic, knowledge and understanding by enabling them to attempt to discover what it might feel like to be a person who comes from a different background. Cultural and social contexts therefore are powerful in defining who we are, how we think, feel, emotionally react, behave, create meaning, and relate to others in relationships. Attending to how culture shapes our experience of self and interpersonal relations is therefore crucial. Multiculturalism therefore, provides a fourth dimension to the three traditional areas of classical psychology and counselling approaches (psychodynamic, behavioural, and humanistic).

Our aim is to provide a high quality service to support people with a wide range of mental health needs, including those who are socially disadvantaged as a result of discrimination, poverty or for those who suffer from marginalisation. The Hughes-Reed Psychological Services and Multicultural Centre, is committed to achieving equality of opportunity and empowerment in all aspects of its work.

I am bound and adhere to the ethics and code of practice of the BPS and HCPC.

Our psychological services focus on clients who live in the West midlands. However, some sessions, services, training and consultations can be provided in other areas of the country, if pre arranged.
© Hughes-Reed Psychological Services and Multicultural Centre LTD, 2018. All rights reserved
Hughes-Reed Psychological Services and Multicultural Centre LTD, a company registered in England and Wales. Company number: 09249152
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